The "Pfleger-Refugium"- sauna, steam bath, relaxation room & garden
The following facilities are at your disposal:
The Finnish sauna is one of the most traditional types of sweating and has been used over thousands of years. The temperature is between 85 and 88 degrees with very low humidity
A regular use of the sauna helps you cleanse your body from damaging acids. Combined with some sports activity and a healthy diet it works wonders.
Steam baths were already very popular with the ancient Romans. The steam bath has a temperature of approx. 45-50 degrees and a humidity of almost 100%. These are perfect conditions for revitalising your body. A treat at our steam bath is good for your skin, hair and the respiratory organs.
As guests of our hotel you may use both the Finnish sauna and the Roman steam bath for free.
The use of the Finnish sauna, the Roman steam bath as well as the relaxation area is free of charge for our hotel guests.
Suntanned skin symbolises health, vitality and well-being.
What goes for the real sun, however, is important to keep in mind here as well, use it in moderation.
Jetons are available at the reception.
20 minutes | € 8,- |
5 x 20 minutes | € 35,- |
Enjoy the wonderful mountain air in our spacious garden after your wellness treatment.